Product options

Pier pontoon Mini (carrying capacity 130kg)

Product code 730400
Package size 16 pcs

Pier pontoon Maxi (carrying capacity 220kg)

Product code 730405
Package size 10 pcs

Product details

Rectangular pontoon for constructing floating docks and structures.

Meltex dock pontoons are a reliable solution for a floating dock. The pontoons are made by rotational molding from high-quality HDPE plastic, making Meltex dock pontoons lightweight, seamless, and weather-resistant. The pontoons are impact-resistant, withstand freezing temperatures, and do not absorb water. Plastic pontoons do not decay or rust. Meltex dock pontoons can endure freezing, but ice movement can be a very strong erosive force, so the safest way to ensure the dock remains intact is to lift it onto dry land for winter storage.

The dock pontoons have pre-drilled screw holes for attaching the pontoon to the dock. The pontoons can also be attached to the dock using support boards, clamps, or tie-down straps. At the end of Meltex dock pontoons, there is a vented opening with a cap, which allows the pontoon to be filled to achieve the desired floating depth.

Material polyethylene
Material quality HDPE
Colour black
Usage unit pcs
Building 2000 class 185
Package type pallet