Leak detection agent (spray) Multitec 400ml

Product code 440920
HVAC number 3188603

Product details

Leak detection spray for tracing leaks of all types of gases.

MULTITEC is sprayed onto pipe connections or other areas where a leak or the risk of one is suspected. Any possible leak will cause the sprayed liquid to bubble immediately. When using the spray, it is essential to ensure that the leak detection liquid covers the entire pipe connection.

MULTITEC has approval DGP(TV-00107). It is also available in a special version with a freezing point of <-30 °C.

Sales unit kpl
Size 400ml
Usage unit pcs
Conversion factor 1
Length of the sales unit (mm) 100
Width of the sales unit (mm) 100
Height of the sales unit (mm) 260
Weight of the sales unit (kg) 0.41