Product options

ACO Stormbrixx caset element SD 314090

Product code 123250
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx side panel SD 314091

Product code 123255
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx cover element SD 314092

Product code 123260
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx 3-way coupler SD 314093

Product code 123265
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx hk lower part 400/315 SB3000

Product code 123270
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx adapter for inspection chamber SD 3

Product code 123280
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx D110 coupler 314026

Product code 123285
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx D160 coupler 314027

Product code 123290
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx D200 coupler 314028

Product code 123295
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx D250 coupler 314048

Product code 123300
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx D315 coupler 314029

Product code 123305
Package size 1 kpl

ACO Stormbrixx D400 coupler 314030

Product code 123310
Package size 1 kpl

Product details

ACO Stormbrixx SD is a modular stormwater cassette system for the absorption and retention of stormwater. The system consists of base elements that are connected to each other using a patented connection system. This makes the structure easy to install while also being robust and durable. The pillar structure of the elements evenly distributes the load onto the underlying soil. The cassette field is easily accessible for inspection and cleaning.

The base elements are stacked inside each other during storage and transportation, which saves on transportation costs and significantly reduces CO2 emissions. Additionally, site logistics are simplified as there are fewer pallets to store and transport.

ACO Stormbrixx SD is intended for areas without heavy traffic. Other vehicles, including emergency vehicles, are permitted in these areas. The SD cassette can be used for both retention and absorption. The system must be designed so that no more water is released than what is intended to be drained from the property to the discharge point. The allowed discharge amount varies by municipality and must be specified by the authorities.

The finished cassette height is 914 mm, formed from two halves that are 457 mm high. There can be a maximum of two layers, and the cover fill must be between 800 mm and 2000 mm.

Installation instructions
Technical drawings