Bio cleaner 3 for waste water

Product code 161400
HVAC number 3622900
Package size 1 pcs

Product details

Small treatment plant for gray water purification for households of 1-6 people.

The Biopuhdistaja 3 treats all wastewater except toilet water. Thanks to its efficient design, gray water is treated in a single tank, eliminating the need for a settling tank or a separate field. The purified water can be directed straight to a ditch, gravel bed, or slope.

The Biopuhdistaja does not require filter materials, chemicals, or soil, making it an economical option. The sludge tank needs to be cleaned once a year. The Biopuhdistaja 3 is also suitable for winter use.

Sales unit pcs
Colour grey
Capacity 6
Length of the sales unit (mm) 1400
Width of the sales unit (mm) 1300
Height of the sales unit (mm) 1200
Weight of the sales unit (kg) 1200
Package type pc
Declaration of performance
Installation instructions
  • 161400_AO_Biopuhdistaja-3-asennus-kaytto-ja-huolto-ohje.pdf (4 486 kt) Open Download
Technical drawings
Technical specifications
  • TE_Biopuhdistaja-34-jarjestelman-toiminta-poikkeustilanteessa.pdf (527 kt) Open Download