MX-Sauna chamber Plus 300 ltr

Product code 160490
HVAC number 3622018

Product details

Soakaway well for handling wash water from a sauna at a cabin without a water supply.

The MX-Saunakaivo Plus is an extremely low-profile model, making it easy to install even in challenging locations. The tank has a volume of 300 liters, and the bottom of the tank is pre-drilled to allow water to soak into the gravel bed installed around the tank.

Capacity: 150-300 liters per day, depending on the soil’s absorption capacity.

Sales unit pcs
Nominal volume 300 l
Material polyethylene
Colour black
Riser pipe diameter 315 mm
Usage unit pcs
Conversion factor 1
Building 2000 class 613.23
Length of the sales unit (mm) 1200
Width of the sales unit (mm) 880
Height of the sales unit (mm) 1216
Weight of the sales unit (kg) 28
Package type pc
Installation instructions
Technical drawings